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I author a weekly newsletter, The 15-Minute Quality Catalyst, in which I share bite sized actions you can take to improve the quality in your teams. Find past newsletters here, and sign up for future ones here.

My book

Testing in DevOps:

A Guide to Optimised Testing for Speedy and High Quality Delivery

Are you struggling with friction between developers and testers in your team even after adopting Agile and DevOps practices? Is this internal discord causing delays and impacting the quality of your software delivery?

Imagine a harmonious environment where developers and testers work hand in hand, eliminating friction, and doubling your team’s output. No more late-night code crunches and frustrated faces. Instead, you get accelerated delivery timelines, high-quality software, and a happier, more productive team.

Get your copy of “Testing in DevOps: A Guide to Optimised Testing for Speedy and High Quality Delivery” now. This eBook is your roadmap to integrating effective testing strategies, improving team dynamics, and unlocking the full potential of Agile and DevOps.